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Not My Responsibility钢琴谱 Billie Eilish简谱


导读:Not My Responsibility钢琴谱 Billie Eilish简谱是ZZmao简谱网于2023年05月15日更新的钢琴简谱,Not My Responsibility钢琴谱 Billie Eilish简谱歌谱图片在线免费下载,高清的Not My Responsibility钢琴谱 Billie Eilish简谱图片来自钢琴简谱栏目。ZZmao简谱网无需注册,直接可免费下载各类音乐简谱歌词图片。



Do you know me?

Really know me?

You have opinions

About my opinions

About my music

About my clothes

About my body

Some people hate what I wear

Some people praise it

Some people use it to shame others

Some people use it to shame me

But I feel you watching


And nothing I do goes unseen

So while I feel your stares

Your disapproval

Or your sigh of relief

If I lived by them

I'd never be able to move

Would you like me to be smaller?




Would you like me to be quiet?

Do my shoulders provoke you?

Does my chest?

Am I my stomach?

My hips?

The body I was born with

Is it not what you wanted?

If I wear what is comfortable

I am not a woman

If I shed the layers

I'm a slut

Though you've never seen my body

You still judge it

And judge me for it


We make assumptions about people

Based on their size

We decide who they are

We decide what they're worth

If I wear more

If I wear less

Who will decide what that makes me?

What that means?

Is my value based only on your perception?

Or is your opinion of me?

Not my responsibility

Not My Responsibility钢琴谱 Billie Eilish简谱图片是网友上传分享的一首旋律优美的钢琴简谱,节奏感强,有律动感,整体感觉舒服轻快,是一首经典的钢琴简谱曲目,Not My Responsibility钢琴谱 Billie Eilish钢琴简谱如一抹天然心态的自我剖白,又彷若青涩时光里践行的背影,怀恋Not My Responsibility钢琴谱 Billie Eilish流转的依依不舍。孤独城市里夜光灯下的身影再漫长,也终将Not My Responsibility钢琴谱 Billie Eilish的音符指向幸福的光源照亮美好时光,让我们一起来弹奏钢琴简谱Not My Responsibility钢琴谱 Billie Eilish吧!